Category: I Am My Passion Project
Activist art can have a revolutionary impact on our culture, inspiring social change. This type of work can provide important conversations that have the power to bring awareness to injustices in our society. The types of artwork created can be done in a variety of media including painting, poetry, music, dance and even animation and…
Welcome to week 3 of Dream Building with Brenda! Use the worksheets Brenda created for you as you build your dreams in this 3-week mini-workshop: —– Finding your passion in life and planning a strategy for seeing your new dream to fruition— especially when, like all of us, you come across obstacles and setbacks—…
Welcome to week 2 of Dream Building with Brenda! Use the worksheets Brenda created for you as you build your dreams in this 3-week mini-workshop: —– Finding your passion in life and planning a strategy for seeing your new dream to fruition— especially when, like all of us, you come across obstacles and setbacks—…
Welcome to week 1 of Dream Building with Brenda! Use the worksheets Brenda created for you as you build your dreams in this 3-week mini-workshop: —– Finding your passion in life and planning a strategy for seeing your new dream to fruition— especially when, like all of us, you come across obstacles and setbacks—…
Every year the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) puts out their Dirty Dozen List. Just this past April they put out their 2024 list. This is a list of mainstream entities that facilitate, enable, and even profit from sexual abuse and exploitation. “Sexual exploitation and abuse thrives across tech platforms and entities we use…
I Am My Passion Project has a new segment called, 50 Shades of Sexism! This new episode is a platform for co-hosts Darina Neyret and Lorna Nakell to apply a feminist lense to classic American Movies. You can have your favorite movies and think that they’re non-threatening, charming, or “fun for the whole family” (as…
What are the ways that women are being held back from achieving their full potential as leaders in the workplace/in the world and how can we fix the broken system that created this inequity? Belinda Clemmensen is the author of the book, Women, Leadership, and Saving the World: Why Everything Gets Better when Women Lead,…
In the rich man’s world Ah, all the things I could do If I had a little money It’s a rich man’s world —Abba Ah, money… We all need it to support our daily lives and lifestyle dreams. Women don’t make as much of it, and therefore aren’t able to save as much of it.…
I Am My Passion Project has a new segment called, 50 Shades of Sexism! This new episode is a platform for co-hosts Darina Neyret and Lorna Nakell to apply a feminist lense to classic American Movies. You can have your favorite movies and think that they’re non-threatening, charming, or “fun for the whole family” (as…
Are you a woman looking for a confidence boost that doesn’t involve being hit on by a stranger in a bar? Have you been through some hardships and need a way to look at yourself in a more loving light? Are you already feelin’ yourself and just wishing you could find the right talent to…